A Place You Can Call Home

Public Works

The City of Baker Roadway/Drainage Department provides dependable service to the citizen of Baker for drainage and roadway maintenance and improvements.  The 15 employees of this department are responsible for repairing potholes in roadways and repairing sidewalks by removing or repairing the hazard.  This section is also responsible for grass cutting year round of roadway shoulders and medians, ditches, and city servitudes.   To provide adequate drainage and a litter free environment this department routinely inspects and cleans our drainage channels, flushing culverts and under driveways to keep them free flowing to prevent the possibility of flooding.   Citizens are reminded to never dispose of tree branches, grass clippings, motor oil, or other items into catch basins, ditches or canals that could block drainage and cause flooding.  Street sign maintenance, litter abatement, installation of storm culverts and catch basins is also handled by this department.  To comply with Federal Stormwater Regulations our streets are   swept clean with the use of our newly purchased street sweeper.  This section responds to weather related emergencies consisting of flooding issues and fallen trees in the right-of -way throughout the city.

Public Works Services

The City of Baker Public Works Department provides dependable service to the citizens of Baker for drainage and roadways. The employees of the Public Works Department also maintain the grass cutting of roadway shoulders and medians, ditches, and servitudes year round in the city. The maintenance of sidewalks citywide is also handled by this department.

The Water Division has continued to provide excellent quality water to our citizens and has maintained the highest possible ratings for years. The employees of the city operate four water wells providing more than an adequate amount of water to our customers.

The Gas Division employees maintain approximately 80 miles of natural gas lines providing gas to homes and businesses throughout the city of Baker.

The Sewer Division employees maintain the sewer collection lines from homes and businesses in the city. Our sewer lines then carry Baker sewerage to the East Baton Rouge Parish sewer trunk lines by which it is delivered to the treatment plants.

Garbage, Trash and Debris
Waste services are provided by Allied Waste, a division of Republic Services. If you have an issue with garbage, trash or debris pick-up, broken carts or need to request special accommodations, please call the City Hall at 778-0300.

White Goods
Refrigerators, stoves, washers, driers and the like, are picked up by our Public Works Department. Pick-up can be scheduled by calling the Public Works Department directly or by filling out a request for pick-up on the website’s Action Center.

To report any illegal dumping or spills, please contact 225-775-6000.

To report any drainage problems and ditch maintenance, please contact 225-775-5584.

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