A Place You Can Call Home

Contracting Opportunities

The City of Baker is seeking Requests for Proposals (RFP) from qualified contractors for the installation of a backup emergency generator and fencing where applicable, at each of the City of Baker’s seven (7) sewer lift stations which conform to the specifications stated in this proposal, including all work necessary to complete this project. This project will be funded through FEMA’s  Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMPG CFD 97.039). Click the link below to access the RFP document.

Currently seeking proposals for construction of ballfield – please click on full RFP at right

Bid Opening scheduled – 2PM on Thurs, March 6, 2025

The City of Baker’s Policy 400.1,  Purchasing, guides the procurement of materials/supplies.  When such disbursements are made through federal or state grant programs, Policy 300.2, Disbursements from Grant Funds, provides additional guidelines to (1) create internal controls over the integrity of the purpose for which the funds were awarded; (2) ensure compliance with rules and regulations of the granting agency; (3) eliminate acquisition of unnecessary or duplicative items as required by 2 CFR 200.318, where applicable; and (4) strive to procure under the most economical approach.   This policy further provides that the City of Baker, an equal opportunity employer, will be cognizant of products and services offered by small business, minority-owned firms and women business enterprises by providing opportunities for these type businesses to participate in the RFP and RFQ issued for the award of federally funded contracts.

 All advertisements for RFP (Request for Proposals) and RFQ (Request for Qualifications) will be posted in the City’s official journal.  You can also learn more about current bid opportunities by searching the list on this page.  You can also contact Ashley Batts, Purchasing Agent, with any questions about current or upcoming projects.

 We appreciate your interest in the City of Baker!

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